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JAMIA Cover graphic for the CPV/Stanford/US Census Program study graphic

American Board of Family Medicine Foundation, CPV, Stanford, U.S. Census Bureau's EHealth Program research demonstrates capacity to marry clinical and social indicators in novel ways

The first peer-reviewed study produced by this partnership was published in JAMIA in November 2024 and evaluates the impact of patient health condition on the likelihood of linking EHR and ACS data.

US Primary Care Workforce Growth: A Decade of Limited Progress, and Projected Needs Through 2040

The effects of aging and population growth and baseline shortages in the primary care workforce call for significant increases in the primary care workforce to accommodate rising demands.

Insights for WONCA and Family Medicine from a PAHO/ABFM Embassy Series Event at the Brazilian Embassy, Washington DC, June 2024.

The transformational changes needed to embed resilience within societies and national health systems with a strong PHC foundation require the sustained commitment of countries and the international community in pursuing a common vision.

Supporting Family Caregivers Advances Equity and Scientific Innovation

Family caregiving (e.g., childcare, caring for an aging parent, etc.) is a universal experience—whether providing or receiving care, everyone at some point will be touched by caregiving.

Primary Health Care International Conference attendees

The Essential Role of Primary Health Care for Health Security and Securing Health Conference

This conference takes place nearly five years after the Declaration of Astana and will focus on advancing Primary Health Care (PHC) in developed and developing countries as a priority for national health security and securing the health of people around the world.

PRIME Registry fallback image for the Carousel

PRIME Registry

PRIME was established to help provide family physicians and primary care clinicians a faster, easier way to evaluate practice performance, with built in tools for population health, risk stratification, empanelment and more…

Measures That Matter Image

We're Making Progress on the Measures That Matter to Primary Care Initiative!

The Core Quality Measures Collaborative recently announced that the Person-Centered Primary Care Measure and the Continuity of Care measure, both developed as part of the Measures That Matter to Primary Care initiative, have been included in the core measure set for Accountable Care Organizations, Patient Centered Medical Homes, and Primary Care.



Professionalism Illustration

In a season of rapid delivery system transformation, the United States is already experiencing some of the negative consequences that pursuing quality and value measurement have had on professionalism in health care.

Social Accountability in Medical Education

Social Accountability in Medical Education

Social Accountability in Medical Education Illustration
Social Accountability in Medical Education Illustration

A century after the seminal Flex­ner report redefined med­ical education, its insti­tutions face new challenges to demon­strate their alignment with the needs of patients and pop­ulations, their relevance to societal priorities, and their measurable impact on health.

Transforming Clinical Practice & Population Health

Transforming Clinical Practice & Population Health

Transforming Clinicial Practice Illustration
Transforming Clinicial Practice Illustration

A mix of social, environ­­mental occupational and economic factors collectively labelled the social determinants of health (SDH) have a greater combined influence on the morbidity and mortality of our patients than the services we deliver in trad­itional medical care.

Measures That Matter to Primary Care

Measures that Matter

Measures That Matter
Measures that matter

The Center is working to develop, implement and collaborate on quality measures that improve patient care and promote professionalism. The measures are focused on capturing the real value of primary care and reducing administrative burden.

Olive Branch icon

Vision & Mission

We aim to align how the health care professions are valued with the values of the professions.

What we do: We’re working to align professionalism with enhancing value in the care of patients and the public, while reducing burden in clinical practice. Working with a variety of partners, the Center will help to shape both the public’s and the provider’s understanding of the Social Contract as well as policies that better support its success.

Key aims of our work are:

  • Testing the state of the social contract between health professionals and the public

  • To identify relationships between burnout, shame and professionalism

  • To assess growing commoditization of health professionals and the impact on professionalism
  • To understand alignment between how value is measured and paid for and professionalism

  • To call out expectations of health professionals to routinely sacrifice well-being or financial solvency

  • To explore interprofessional understandings of professionalism

Tell Us: What does professionalism mean to you?

What Does Professionalism Mean to You?

Professionalism has meaning for us as individuals and as groups. It can be what drives your decisions and action with patients or in deciding on the policies of your practice or system. What does it mean to you?

Tell Us: What does professionalism mean to you?

What Does Professionalism Mean to You?

Professionalism has meaning for us as individuals and as groups. It can be what drives your decisions and action with patients or in deciding on the policies of your practice or system. What does it mean to you?